Customer Sited Solar

On-site solar PV systems have become a mainstay for organizations as they pursue carbon reduction. It has now also become commonplace to pair these assets with energy storage solutions to bolster resiliency, reduce energy bills, and achieve greenhouse gas reduction targets.

TotalEnergies has a 30-year track record of working with leading Fortune 500 and public entities nationwide to develop customer-sited solar and energy storage projects, as well as EV charging infrastructure. We deliver these projects on a turn-key basis, including:


To complement TotalEnergies’ substantial financial resources, we have extensive experience in engaging the most efficient sources of tax equity and debt to optimize the use of incentives, tax credits, and other benefits for our customers.

The sophistication of our team, coupled with TotalEnergies’ vast experience across power markets, enables us to not only solve even the most complex financing challenges, but also develop and execute tailored financial services for individual, multi-site, and portfolio projects. We offer attractive PPA rates for a broad range of projects.

Our reputation as a reliable partner coupled with our history of stability provides our customers with confidence that we will deliver.


TotalEnergies mobilizes a highly experienced design and construction management team on behalf of every project.

We are able to anticipate and mitigate engineering and construction challenges to ensure that projects are delivered on time, issues are resolved quickly, logistics are seamless, and communication with customers is continuous and proactive at every stage of the project.


An effective O&M service program is critical to getting the most out of a commercial solar investment over the long term. Our O&M services are optimized to reduce repairs and ensure a system’s long-term performance at or above its expected energy output.

TotalEnergies has provided customers with continuing, comprehensive, and complete O&M services for more than 25 years. And, as an owner of renewable energy projects, our interests are aligned with those of our customers.

Our multi-sector O&M expertise includes educational institutions, military bases, commercial businesses, and more —  many of whom are repeat customers.

Thanks to our well-established supply chain, trusted vendor relationships, and support infrastructure, we’re able to provide efficient and cost-effective O&M services across project types.

Featured case study

Delaware River Port Authority Transit Corporation Solar Powered High Speed Heavy Rail